We know how tedious, and ineficient is maintaining conversations on two or more separate places. Conversations get lost, customers get frustrated because of slow responses. Reliable customer history doesn't even exist.
We know how tedious, and ineficient is maintaining conversations on two or more separate places. Conversations get lost, customers get frustrated because of slow responses. Reliable customer history doesn't even exist.
We've put together an easy to use conversation platform that unifies your email, live chat, and contact form conversations into a single interface. With more channels coming soon!
We've put together an easy to use conversation platform that unifies your email, live chat, and contact form conversations into a single interface. With more channels coming soon!
Ver precio o Ver Demo →Receive and reply to emails just like you would on a regular email client. No ticket numbers, no branded emails, just plain emails that look and feel personal.
Reduce friction by offering your website visitors a quick way to get answers.
Easily integrate any contact form with your help desk instance, conveniently capturing all submissions and converting them into conversations.
Advanced contact forms, integration with existing applications, systems, websites, etc.
Separate conversations into mailboxes and manage everything from a single account. No more jumping around between different email accounts.
Don't lose privacy-conscious customers for not supporting end-to-end encryption. We make it easy for you to send and receive encrypted messages. Just upload the PGP keys, and you are ready to go.
Buy now →Conversation views allow you to apply common search filters with just one or two clicks. Conversation filters give you more granular search control so you can find things faster.
Don't waste time reading conversation subjects or interactions to know what it is about. Use colored-tags to quickly and easily identify conversation topics, status, etc.
Quickly search, preview, and insert articles from any knowledgebase site in your account.
Sometimes you need to remind yourself about something regarding your customer or the conversation. With notes, you can leave private messages and reminders for future reference.
No pierdas más conversaciones e historial valioso. Bríndale un mejor servicio a tus clientes con una plataforma flexible y fácil de usar — alojada en tu servidor.
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